Opposite National saving bank,Goal chakar
Sahiwal Pakistan
9:00AM - 6:00PM
Monday to Saturday
Online 24/7

Communication & Soft Skills

Effective communication and soft skills are invaluable attributes in both personal and professional realms. The ability to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and empathetically fosters healthy relationships and collaboration. Soft skills, such as active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, enable individuals to connect on a deeper level, understand diverse perspectives, and resolve disputes harmoniously. In the workplace, strong communication and soft skills are essential for leadership, teamwork, and client interactions, enhancing productivity and overall success. They empower individuals to convey their message with impact, build trust, and adapt to dynamic situations, creating a positive and constructive environment where people can thrive and grow.


    10 to 15 weeks

    Course Outline

  • Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Evaluate current skills
  • Set specific, measurable goals
  • Education and Training
  • Research resources (books, courses, workshops)
  • Choose reputable sources aligned with your goals
  • Practice and Application
  • Engage in real-life situation
  • Join relevant groups or projects
  • Feedback and Reflection
  • Seek constructive feedback
  • Seek constructive feedback
  • Reflect on experiences and areas for improvement
  • Effective Communication
  • Consider mentorship or coaching
  • Regularly assess progress
Hello! 🤖
It is a pleasure for me to be able to assist you!